Sunday, October 18, 2009


That's right. It's currently snowing in Boston. October 18 and it's snowing. And the flakes are the size of large cotton balls, they're huge! Now I'm a New England girl so I do love me some snow, but come on! Having snow before the leaves have even changed colors is just flat out annoying. It just seems so unnatural, looking out my window to see snow blowing by trees full of green leaves.

I feel for the girls playing a soccer game on the field (and their devoted parents in the stands) who are subjecting themselves to this weather. I don't think I've ever played soccer in the snow. Sometimes I miss the sport, but today is certainly not one of those days.

At least this weather has nice timing. My parents and brother came up to visit yesterday, and despite being a bit chilly, the weather was more than cooperative.

They showed up bearing gifts of apple cinnamon Nutri Grain bars, Tazo tea, some winter gloves and two batches of my mother's delicious congo bars. The last time she baked me some treats, I left them in the common room and they were gone within 24 hours. I should have known that desserts in a room of eight girls would not last long. This time, I had her make a couple of batches to ensure that everyone in the suite gains at least a few pounds this weekend.

I'm certainly not stepping on a scale anytime soon. When my family came up, they took Corey, Eileen and I out to Joe's American Bar and Grill on the waterfront where we stuffed ourselves with warm bread. Oh, and dinner. Then we trekked over to Hanover Street in the North End for dessert from Mike's Pastry. I felt for my mother, who for the first time as far as I can recall chose fashion over function, wearing black flats with pointed toes and metal studs. Not only were the tops of her feet exposed to the cold night air, but she had no fewer than 12 bandages on each foot. I'll say her sacrifice was worth the gains as she looked pretty fierce.

It was nice spending some time with my family, especially taking them on the T at 10:30 at night where they witnessed a packed train of college kids all heading out for the night. My brother got quite a kick out of a chatty girl in a tank top (sans jacket) who stored her camera, cell phone and bottle caps in her bra. Yes, Patrick, welcome to college. And my parents heard the full account of a girl's failed attempts at maintaining a relationship. It was early, too. The really entertaining don't come out until after midnight.

While I may have to resort to wearing elastic waistband pants for the next few weeks until I work off the 23 pounds I most likely gained this weekend, it was certainly a treat.

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